In this episode, Sonja Foss, together with Dr.  Evan, talks about Optimizing your energy through spiritual alignment.

Sonja Foss is a Spiritual Coach, Channeller of Source Energy & Owner/Founder of Oracle Teachings Inc. - a global 6-figure+ business since its launch in September, 2019. She is often referred to as “Abraham Hicks On Steroids”, because she specializes in helping women entrepreneurs align vibrationally with their desires in business & life, by channeling Source Energy. Her spiritual teachings, step-by-step process to multiple 6-figures & unique ability to help women deepen their own connection with Source, reconnect with their bodies with love & live life authentically, abundantly and powerfully. Sonja's gifts are a rare blend of spiritual philosophy and practical application in a safe and sacred container only found inside her spiritual business mastermind, The Golden Circle.


To learn more about Sonja Foss, go to this websites: /

For more information about Dr. Evan and his program, click here.  


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Please note that any information in this video is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.