With last night’s posting of Welcome to the NHK, we have officially uploaded every single Series 1 episode of the Five Point Podcast to this site. This took a looooooong time. I’m a little pooped, but we did it. What does this mean? The next post you see (whenever you see it) will be brand … Continue reading Announcement: The Next Post will be a New Episode →

With last night’s posting of Welcome to the NHK, we have officially uploaded every single Series 1 episode of the Five Point Podcast to this site. This took a looooooong time. I’m a little pooped, but we did it.

What does this mean? The next post you see (whenever you see it) will be brand new content, the first episode of Series 2. Those of you who follow our Twitter will notice that I may have already spilled the beans on that. If you don’t, well, you’ll just have to be patient.