Trade deadline day has come and gone, Check out our Fantasy Hockey analysis of all the trades that went down. How will player X play on his new team, and how will their (now) former teams shake out when the line combos rise from the dust. Recorded on a Tuesday, so ignore the times I say “Tonight” when it somes to Goalie starts or whatever.

The Usual FHFH rundown,
-Injuries/Returns (Some big ones)

-Back to Back Goalie predictions

-Daily Streamer segment

-Trade Analysis

-Start to page out the Playoffs, stating next week for some. Some are already in it!

Stay tuned on Sunday when we will have another live episode to stream live on instagram @FHFHockey. For those of you without instagram, where have you been these last 5 years? Also for y’all that live under a rock: It is 100% safe to drop Pavel Datsyuk!

Enjoy the Epi guys, be sure to rate and review us on iTunes, and let us know what you think.

Twitter: @FHFHockey
instagram: @FHFHockey

Love you guys!