On this episode, our hosts return after losing a week to the flu. Also, it's time to throw a C-E-S tah [pun courtesy of Amir Zonozi]. 

[New to the show? Find out the stories we talk about in this week's episode below and connect with Amir and Chris on Twitter! Use the hashtag #FiveFavorites to share YOUR favorite stories each and every week - and YOU may be included on the show (including our new tweet of the week feature).] 

This week Five Favorites 

This week's episode we break down highlights from CES 2019. Though many covered CES 2019 — we determined The Verge to have our favorite coverage - much of which was covered here [if not linked below, you can find it here

1. Apple at CES [even though they weren't]

2. Google Theme Park and Assist Make Waves

Theme Park [Tech Crunch] Google Assistant [Android Police]

3. Displays, Displays, Displays

Samsung Space

4. Rolling That TV

5. Hot Topic: MicroLED Televisions 

DISHonorable Mention(s)

AT&T [CES Edition]

Paul Logan [Regular Edition - shared by Martin Lieberman]

Honorable Mention: 


Social of the Week [Twitter]


Twitter Mentions