On this week's episode, Amazon may be Amir's next door neighbor. Also, we were right over a year ago. Told you so! 

[New to the show? Find out the stories we talk about in this week's episode below and connect with Amir and Chris on Twitter! Use the hashtag #FiveFavorites to share YOUR favorite stories each and every week - and YOU may be included on the show (including our new tweet of the week feature).] 

This week Five Favorites 

1. A year after tweets doubled in size, brevity still rules [Axios - story by Kia Kokalitcheva]

2. Google Home will play music and sound effects when you read Disney storybooks [The Verge - story by Shannon Liao]

3. TikTok surpassed Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat & YouTube in downloads last month [Techcrunch story by Sarah Perez]

4. Amazon in advanced talks about putting HQ2 in Northern Virginia, those close to process say [Washington post - Story by Jonathan O'Connell and Robert McCartney]

5. Hot Topic: iPad Pro: hands-on with Apple’s new all-screen tablet [The Verge - story by Nilay Patel]

DISHonorable Mention: 

Tencent is launching its own version of Snap Spectacles [Techcrunch - Story by Rita Liao & Jon Russell]

Honorable Mention: 

Google Engineers Are Organizing A Walkout To Protest The Company’s Protection Of An Alleged Sexual Harasser [Buzzfeed News - Story by Caroline O’Donovan & Ryan Mac]

Tweet of the Week: 


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