FITTER RADIO COFFEE CLUB FREE RACE ENTRY WINNER – BROOKE HENDERSON: (00:16:36) Brooke won the free race entry to the Tarawera Ultra. We catch up with Brooke to find out a bit more about her.

FITTER RADIO COFFEE CLUB FREE RACE ENTRY WINNER – BRENT JAMIESON: (00:24:32) Brent won the free race entry to the Queenstown Marathon. We catch up with Brent to find out how his training’s going!

FITTER RADIO FREE RACE ENTRY WINNER – CRAIG KIMPTON: (00:43:29) Craig won the free race entry to the Cape to Cape MTB event . We catch up with Brent post race to find out how it all went!

WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: (00:54:51) We talk to FITTER coach Krystle Hockley about IRONMAN University.

HOT PROPERTY INTERVIEW: LAURA BENNETT (01:17:40) Laura Bennett is a retired professional triathlete from the U.S. She placed fourth in the women's triathlon at the 2008 Olympic games and raced to a silver medal at the World Triathlon Champs in 2003 and bronze medals in 2004, 2005, and 2007. She has also raced as a professional at the IRONMAN 70.3 distance placing 5th at the IRONMAN 70.3 world champs in 2003.

ONE STEP AHEAD (02:18:00) Supplementation timing.


More about Krystle Hockley at Game changers on Netflix at Training Peaks at More about Laura Bennett at Rouvy at