ONE STEP AHEAD: Tart cherry, more benefits. WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Tyre pressure – does it matter? HOT PROPERTY INTERVIEW – LINSEY CORBIN: 'Montana Maid' Linsey Corbin is a professional triathlete who lives and trains in her home town of Bend, Oregon. She's a five-time Ironman Champion and has achieved top American honours at both Ironman and 70.3 Ironman World Championship events. After an injury and illness plagued 2015 Linsey raced to second place at Asia Pacific Ironman Cairns a few weeks ago. She's now on the comeback trail and looking forward to Kona. GEEK OUT: The Plews and Prof are reunited and talk to us from Switzerland. The Plews takes us through Tim Van Berkel’s HRV data in the lead up to his recent win at the Asia Pacific Champs in Cairns. CONTACT US: Go to for show notes and links. Like us on Facebook at for the latest news and information. Mikki Williden can be found at