ONE STEP AHEAD: Cocoa - the performance enhancer. Water - is it a weight loss agent. Procrastination - the 2 minute rule. WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Concurrent Training. HOT PROPERTY INTERVIEW - MAIK TWELSIEK: In 2015 German Maik Twelsiek posted the fastest bike split ever at the GoPro Ironman World Championships in Kona - 4:25:10. He’s a beast on the bike! In the last couple of years Maik has won Ironman Wisconsin, raced to second place at Ironman Austria and Ironman Lake Tahoe and in 2014 achieved his personal best time for an Ironman completing Arizona in 8:07:59. In February this year Maik will be coming to New Zealand to compete at the Challenge Wanaka full distance race. We’re looking forward to seeing how he goes!

GEEK OUT: This week our geeky contributors 'Plews and Prof' talk to us about the effects of high and low cadence interval training on time trial performance. 5 MIN FOCUS: Perform your own Bike Fit with an app.


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