WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: The value of 'big week' training. How to manage and plan it effectively and what to watch out for. HOT PROPERTY INTERVIEW – KAYTEE BOYD: We combine our One Step Ahead section with our Hot Property Interview this week to bring you Kaytee Boyd. Kaytee, a specialist in 'Adrenal Fatigue' has worked in many facets of the health industry as an exercise professional, strength conditioner, CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Nutrition Specialist and Sports & Biomedical Nutritionist. A professional athlete herself Kaytee has competed for New Zealand in BMX, Mountain Bike, Road and is a World Cup Gold Medalist in Track cycling. She has also competed in the Commonwealth Games. Kaytee has her own company Balanced Wellbeing, coaching athletes and beginners alike in all areas of endurance and power sports.

THE GEEK OUT: Inflammation and the athlete - a recent study looking at the risks of using ibuprofen or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. 5 MINUTE FOCUS: We bring back Professor Paul Laursen to talk about 'never-bonk' a unique app that calculates your race fuelling and nutritional needs for long distance triathlon racing.


More about Kaytee Boyd at 
More about never-bonk at 


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