QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: We start off this week's show with questions from our listeners around total cholesterol numbers and their relevance to our health plus, do calories count on an LCHF diet. ONE STEP AHEAD: Fasted training - should we or shouldn't we. WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: How to recover after a marathon. Guidelines around returning to training post marathon. HOT PROPERTY INTERVIEW - JOE FILLIOL: Joel Filliol is one of triathlon's most experienced and successful professional coaches. He has been involved in endurance sport since 1989 both as an athlete and coach. As an athlete Joel has competed in over 100 triathlon and multisport events and represented Canada at the Worlds in Triathlon and Duathlon. He was head coach for British Triathlon from 2009 to 2011 and before that Triathlon Canada head coach from 2006 to 2008 including the Beijing Olympic Games where he coached Simon Whitfield to Olympic Silver. Joel coaches elite, pros and ambitious amateur athletes. He works via camps around the world, and online, and his athletes include Kyle Jones, Sarah Groff, Mario Mola, Richard Murray, Jordan Rapp and Helle Frederiksen who last weekend pulled off a stellar performance winning the inaugural Challenge Bahrain.

THE GEEK OUT: Update on iron supplements for athletes - a new study. 5 MINUTE FOCUS: The FITTER RADIO LONG DISTANCE IRONMAN NEW ZEALAND TRAINING CAMP Taupo 5/6/7/8 February 2015 - see our website for more details.


Find out more about Joel Filliol at and on Facebook at 


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