Today, I’m joined by Tom Hale, CEO of Oura, maker of a smart ring analyzing a wearer’s biometric data with the goal of improving sleep, stress, fitness, and overall health.

Founded in Finland in 2013, Oura has quickly become one of the world's fastest-growing wearables, recently eclipsing 1M rings sold. Developed as a sleep tracker, the technology has evolved to provide sleep, readiness, and activity insights to users through Oura’s app interface.  

In this episode, we discuss Tom’s experience leading growth-stage startups, his personal health journey with Oura, and how wearables are transforming healthcare.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

• Tom’s perspective on growing mid-size subscription businesses
• How Oura leverages data to improve users’ health
• Oura’s unique strategies for next-gen wearables

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(00:00) Introduction
(01:15) Tom’s background and journey to Oura
(05:56) About Oura
(10:55) Subscription business model
(15:10) Oura’s subscription model
(18:59) Oura ring vs other wearables
(24:08) Marketing strategies
(26:04) COVID’s impact on healthcare
(28:24) Data driven healthcare
(33:39) New features to look out for
(36:51) Conclusion