We discus where the show is and where it's headed. John wonders about when the right time is to change careers. Daniel thinks it's important to check your entitlement. Then Daniel has some personal finance tips, and John buys a SodaStream!

Hit us up on Twitter!

Fits and Starts - @fits\_and\_starts
Daniel - @dcoulbourne
John - @johnrudolphdrex


- [Fits and Starts: 8: Maslow's Hierarchy of Goals](http://fitsandstarts.fm/8-maslows-hierarchy-of-goals "Fits and Starts: 8: Maslow's Hierarchy of Goals")
- [Mindfulness - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindfulness "Mindfulness - Wikipedia")
- [Fits and Starts: 2: Ducks in a Row](http://fitsandstarts.fm/ducks-in-a-row "Fits and Starts: 2: Ducks in a Row")
- [Product manager - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_manager "Product manager - Wikipedia")
- [Two Asset Allocation Rules You Need To Follow At Any Age](https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2015/04/23/two-rules-of-asset-allocation-to-follow-at-any-age/#42ae92965ea8 "Two Asset Allocation Rules You Need To Follow At Any Age")
- [Sam's Club - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam%27s_Club "Sam's Club - Wikipedia")
- [ASMR - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_sensory_meridian_response "ASMR - Wikipedia")
- [Personal finance - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_finance "Personal finance - Wikipedia")
- [IRA vs. 401(k): Where Should You Invest Your Money? - NerdWallet](https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/investing/ira-vs-401k-retirement-accounts/ "IRA vs. 401(k): Where Should You Invest Your Money? - NerdWallet")
- [Dave Ramsey Homepage | DaveRamsey.com](https://www.daveramsey.com/ "Dave Ramsey Homepage | DaveRamsey.com")
- [SodaStream](https://www.sodastreamusa.com/ "SodaStream")
- [Look Inside Apple's Stunningly Modern Cafe - Business Insider](http://www.businessinsider.com/look-inside-apples-stunningly-modern-cafe-2014-10 "Look Inside Apple's Stunningly Modern Cafe - Business Insider")
- [Fits and Starts: 6: Too Proud to Touch the Monolith](http://fitsandstarts.fm/too-proud-to-touch-the-monolith "Fits and Starts: 6: Too Proud to Touch the Monolith")
- [The Aerobie® AeroPress® Coffee Maker](https://aerobie.com/product/aeropress/ "The Aerobie® AeroPress® Coffee Maker")
- [Hario V60 Coffee Dripper Size 02 | Prima Coffee](https://prima-coffee.com/equipment/hario/v60-02 "Hario V60 Coffee Dripper Size 02 | Prima Coffee")
- [Pour over vs. French press : Coffee](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coffee/comments/3eadu5/pour_over_vs_french_press/ "Pour over vs. French press : Coffee")

We discus where the show is and where it's headed. John wonders about when the right time is to change careers. Daniel thinks it's important to check your entitlement. Then Daniel has some personal finance tips, and John buys a SodaStream!

Hit us up on Twitter!

Fits and Starts - @fits_and_starts

Daniel - @dcoulbourne

John - @johnrudolphdrex


Fits and Starts: 8: Maslow's Hierarchy of Goals
Mindfulness - Wikipedia
Fits and Starts: 2: Ducks in a Row
Product manager - Wikipedia
Two Asset Allocation Rules You Need To Follow At Any Age
Sam's Club - Wikipedia
ASMR - Wikipedia
Personal finance - Wikipedia
IRA vs. 401(k): Where Should You Invest Your Money? - NerdWallet
Dave Ramsey Homepage | DaveRamsey.com
Look Inside Apple's Stunningly Modern Cafe - Business Insider
Fits and Starts: 6: Too Proud to Touch the Monolith
The Aerobie® AeroPress® Coffee Maker
Hario V60 Coffee Dripper Size 02 | Prima Coffee
Pour over vs. French press : Coffee