Previous Episode: 104 The Value of Trust

This week, on the Fitness + Technology podcast, host Bryan O’Rourke welcomes Mike Studer to the show. Mike is a clinical specialist in neurological physical therapy and a certified exercise expert in aging adult geriatrics. He has served as the vice-president of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy of the APTA and has been the chair and vice-chair of several special interest groups at the national level in each of the Academies of Neurologic and Geriatric PT, including balance and falls, stroke, and the practice committee in neurology. He has written numerous articles, co-wrote several book chapters, and lectures extensively on the topics of balance, motor control, motor learning, cognitive impairment, and case management. This podcast episode focuses on key trends, neuroplasticity, and the importance of exercise with aging as Bryan and Mike delve deeper into these topics.

If you are interested in registering for the webinar on “The Science of Aging” on September 29th with Mike Studer, Bryan O’Rourke, & Frank Arant of eGym, you can do so here:

One Powerful Quote: 
19:34: “Watch for those aspects of your life that you are no longer participating in, maybe you just chose to retire. Well what did the engagement of work provide to you before? You had to be able to multitask. Are you going to just allow that capacity to erode or are you going to find another facet to get that done? You need to replace the stimuli that you are either intentionally or unintentionally losing in your life.”

Bullet Points (w/ timestamps) - Highlighting key topics discussed:
3:32: Bryan asks Mike his opinion on the definition of the science of aging.

5:00: Mike debunks the biases behind the recent phenomenon in longevity.

6:54: Mike shares his experience of treating a patient as it relates to his previous response. You can see this engagement as a post on Mike’s LinkedIn here:

8:58: Bryan and Mike discuss how reframing the thinking about health and exercise as a different experience can eliminate the perceived struggle of aging.

11:31: Bryan asks Mike about neuroplasticity and how its implications relate to aging. You can view his Ted talk on “Seeing the Potential in Brain Recovery” here:

13:42: Mike elaborates on these new issues and opportunities as key trends begin to develop in the near term future.

17:47: Bryan wraps up the show and asks Mike his final words of wisdom on these key trends as they apply to active living and aging.

Bullet List of Resources:

Guest Contact Information: