It's Mindset Reset Time

**Trigger Warning**
I'm not going to lie, this one was a tough one.  When your mom calls you and says "I have something to tell you" and you know she didn't win the lottery.

In the beginning of July, my mom was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.  You totally think this is something that happens to other people or this must be a mistake. 

Well, mom had surgery to remove a mass on the distal portion of her pancreas and learned that a few lymph nodes were a little unhappy.  After surgery and a lot of medical appointments later - we have a game plan.  In August 2021, she starts a long road of chemotherapy. 

I talk openly about this because this is the therapist, social worker, athlete and daughter side of me.  The side of me that wants to kick cancers a$$ and take names, the side that want to show the vulnerable one can be when you can help fight for them.  Even though I'm a USA Boxing trainer — this is going to be a tough fight but my mom is ruthless! 

It's funny how as a child our parents always protect us from danger and I can't protect her from this. I can do nothing but stand here, support and cheer her on.  

Thank you for all the love, support and advice everyone has sent to me over the last 2 weeks. It means the world to me.

And YES, I'm still coaching and running my amazing groups. But I'm only taking 1 new client in the month of August. Click the link below for details. 

~ Jennie

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Jennie Jordan | Holistic Wellness | Life Strategist
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