Hey  Babe  👋🏻   It's Jennie and it's time to live, laugh and LEVEL UP... Let's Get Started!

MARCH is here and it's been such a vibe. As we all know - It's International Women's Day & Nutrition Month, my 2 favorite things to celebrate. So I wanted to make this month SPECIAL!

YUP - 1/2 off private coaching service - WTF, Right! Well - it feels completely aligned and serving individuals that were not able to work with me in the past have been stepping up to this beautiful offer. 

Life is about serving, helping and encouraging those who are ready to make ripples in the water.  I am here, I am ready - Let's Do This!

Use this coaching offer to achieves your next best self. 

xo ~Jennie

✨  Ready to see your potential - Grow with me ✨

The SISTERHOOD - Women's Inner CircleMindset SPARK -  8 Weeks of Personal CoachingPersonal Coaching - *1/2 Coaching Services as Noted*Youtube Channel -  Subscribed, Like & Share Newsletter -  Wellness Wednesday & sign up on my webpageSupport the show

Jennie Jordan | Women’s Leadership | Mindset Coach
Helping Determined Women Find Clarity In Chaos
⚡️Achieve Your Goals Faster with Action Plans
⚡️Senior Mentor UHPW | Karissa Kouchis | Tony Robbins