Do you believe these stories about yourself?

Do you focus on the negative?You're consistently thinking "what's wrong with me?"Do you feel unhappy, anxious, and alone?Do you internalize other people's drama?

This podcast I talk about my favorite things, Mindset and Tony Robbins!  I had the amazing opportunity to participate in a 7-day live zoom call with the myth, the master, the legend - Tony Robbins.  His down to earth philosophy resonates with me and changed my life 20 years ago.  If you are unfamiliar with him, check him out! 

Mindset starts with divorcing your old, sad story and creating a new vibrant one!  Only you can control your emotions, thoughts, and feelings.  Take control of your life today by creating a new future!

Want to learn more about Mindset Makeovers - download Confidence Kickstart here:

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Always remember ~~~> Be Confident, Stand Tall, Enjoy the Adventure