Welcome to the first episode of the Becoming Elli Podcast – where women over 50 inspire each other to become fit and strong.

In this first episode of the Becoming Elli podcast, we talk with personal trainer Maria Stadelman. Maria has worked with many women over 50. She says that more women of this age are becoming interested in learning how to “lift heavy weights.”

We talk about exercises, healthy eating, and staying motivated. Furthermore, we discuss:

Why weightlifting after the age 50 is so important for women over 50. Practical reasons why this makes sense “Must have exercises” to help you get the most out of your limited time How to multi-task while exercising. (Yes, you can learn something new while improving your fitness at the same time!) How to change your mindset about exercise What is “HIIT”? What is the minimum amount of time needed to get any benefit from exercise? How many exercises are needed as a minimum to begin to see a difference? What common mistakes to avoid when exercising? (And as a result, stay healthy!) Ways to address different muscle groups and stay motivated Why she feels eating pasta and carbs – “eating Italian” in moderation consequently keeps you satisfied Maria’s credentials: Bachelor Degree in Exercise Physiology from Ohio University Certified by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Personal trainer Athlete – soccer player, marathon runner, triathlete

Please listen to the inaugural Becoming Elli podcast. We’d love to hear from you. You can leave a comment for us on the Becoming Elli website or on our Becoming Elli Facebook Page.