In episode 41, Jill and Chris talk with Health Coach Beth Kaczmar about healthy eating, grocery shopping and meal prep ideas.

She holds a bachelor's degree from University of Akron in Nutrition and Dietetics, is certified in health coaching through Precision Nutrition and currently works as a health coach at a medical practice.

She likes to help people to see what they can eat, instead of focusing on what they are told they can't eat.

She said she likes to help them with variety, make it about recipes. "We tweak recipes, so they are not feeling deprived. For instance, substituting, normal flour for an almond flour and then adjust the liquids in the recipe."

Some of the discussion points:

Tips on shopping the grocery stores - Produce. Fish. Organic. Locally grown. Nutrition label. Food prep ideas for the week. TasteMyTable instagram page of her original recipes for eating the rainbow. How she squeezes exercise into her busy week: swimming,
elliptical, and weights Fueling for working out and training for endurance events.

Find her on:

Beth's Red Cabbage Recipe from TasteMyTable:
Sweet and Spicy Cabbage on the go!

I love this recipe because all I do is chop all my ingredients, pop them in a zip lock bag, including the dressing, and when I’m ready to eat, just give a little shake and I have my salad to go

It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and it’s high in fiber and low in calories

I hope you enjoy! 1/4 head of purple cabbage, shredded, 1 slice white onion, diced, 1 small whole carrot, diced, 1 T goji berries, 1 T raisins, 1 T Apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp olive oil, 1/2 tsp hot sauce, 1 tsp honey, sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste.

Throw all ingredients into a zip lock bag, give a shake and enjoy