In episode #23, Jill McCauslin and Chris Brown talk with Heather Lentz about her opinions about food, diets, her roles as a health coach and director of wellness at at a well-respected green grocery chain and as the founder and director of product development for KOI Gourmet Skincare. She is a certified holistic health practitioner, food wellness advisor and good food advocate.

In episode 23, Heather discusses:

Food as medicine: Selling food-based supplements, super foods, and proteins, is the pharmacy of the future. Veganism, Paleo/Keto and her belief that people should eat in the way that’s right for them, but there’s no one way of eating for everyone. She thinks that obsessing too much about food gives food too much power and she believes that a lot of it starts with body image. We think we have to look a certain way. She feels our society is in a nasty cycle because we eat to lose weight and then we stress about it and the stress releases hormones that make you unable to lose weight or to gain weight.

Heather offers many tips on improving your food program in this episode. See our website article for all the show notes here.

Bonus: We will be giving away a free Wheat Grass Beauty Bar from Heather's line. Call the Becoming Elli Voicemail by December 31, 2018  at 330-970-6662. Leave your name, that you're interested in the beauty bar and be sure to include a way for us to contact you.