Donald Gross was living like the majority of American men in early 2018.


Fast food was a staple of his diet. Sugary drinks — in particular sweet tea — were his go-to. He rarely exercised, but he also didn't think much about it. He went about his life not realizing the effects his habits were having on his body, even when he eventually weighed over 200 pounds despite just being 5 foot, 8 inches tall.


It wasn't until his yearly physical with his doctor that a simple moment at the end of his check-up snapped him into reality.


After that visit with his doctor, Donald set about changing his lifestyle. But he didn't do it in drastic ways. No overly restrictive diets. No shred workout plans. Just simple daily changes to replace unhealthy habits with healthier ones.


And this father of three eventually transformed himself so dramatically that Men's Health magazine came calling in early 2019 to feature his transformation (read it here:


On this episode, Donald and I go back and discuss how he overcame years of bad habits and set himself and his family on a path to health.


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