Previous Episode: Beast Mode

LMH Users, Some of you are seeing this for the 1st time and are probably wondering who Roberto Villalobos is and wondering what happened to ol’ Rob F. Switch.  Well they (we) are both the same person and I’m glad you clicked on the link to find out more about me. The podcast is over […]

LMH Users,

Some of you are seeing this for the 1st time and are probably wondering who Roberto Villalobos is and wondering what happened to ol’ Rob F. Switch.  Well they (we) are both the same person and I’m glad you clicked on the link to find out more about me.

The podcast is over and it is a sad moment for me but I am quite relieved at the same time.  Over the last three years, I have spent more time with Brent than even my own family!  That’s not a complaint, though.  I am proud to have produced this podcast with Brent and because of him, I can say that I have learned so much more about VGM tunes and the gaming industry in general.

I am going to miss bantering with him over tunes every week.  I think it was pretty obvious that my technical knowledge of music theory is basic at best.  However, when Brent let me describe tunes in my own way, I think we both understood that there was no need to always describe a great moment with a technical term.  Sometimes a track just “killed it.” Or it would hit a “B-spot”.  Or the “staircase” effect would really move me.

I was really touched by all the comments and emails we have been getting about the podcast ending.  I am more than happy to have contributed in any way to the joy you may have gotten from the podcast.  There are so many funny moments I can remember – even just involving user names!  Come On Ayumi, Big Mike, LMHead Ed, Will Power, Snake I’s, Family Jules, Arcade Andy, St. John, Slick Vic, The Gabe, Sentimental in San Gabriel just to name a few.  Reading those names brings a huge smile to my face.

I was late in making my dance mixes before the final episode but I am putting the finishing touches on them now.  We’ve decided to wait a bit before releasing any more dance mixes on the LMH site but stay tuned because they will be headed your way.

Please take pictures of the LMH initials if you should happen to come across an arcade machine or if you just beat a game yourself.  I always wanted to involve the users somehow and this will be a way to keep the LMH spirit alive.

In the meantime, please subscribe to this blog or follow me on FB, Twitter and Instagram.  I perform comedy in California only at this point, but I may someday come to your town!  Hey, if you’re in the LA area and need a haircut, please contact me and I can give you the Sonic the Hedgehog mohawk while we listen to VGM tunes!

Thanks for all the great times users!  The podcast is complete.  We have 157 episodes uploaded.  But…