"Unveil the pentagram and feel the demons lust. Come watch the holy men who look on in disgust."

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All music and no talking! A mixtape for the modern day!


0:00 - Choria - Celestial Sphere On Air

Frigid in temperature and desperate in mood and atmosphere!


5:47 - Hor - Time (A Cold Shadow Of Death)

Grim and cold black metal with haunting vocals and evil dark riffs.


12:17 - Neftaraka - Ophoytha

Classic style black metal from Malaysia with a elements of raw and depressive elements thrown in.


19:16 - Wedard - Sternenfrost

Supremely melancholic, broody and resigned blackness.


29:42 - Muvitium - I Nattsvart Dunkel

Swedish style black metal with layers of atmosphere and dread.


39:47 - Deadwood Lake - My Ashes Will Remain

Melodic, atmospheric and deeply emotional black metal from the UK. In memory of a fallen brother.


47:13 - Dark Forest - Wind and Waves

The perfect synthesis of black, folk, and viking metal. Sections move into each other seamlessly and luxuriously, always thriving with lush instrumentation and delivery.


56:20 - Grand Demise of Civilization - Curator of the Wicked

A guided tour into the Abyss reeking of nihilistic violence.
