Every time Angie coughs during this episode she pees her pants a little. She coughs a lot. Luckily she's wearing a postpartum-sized pad! Angie and Julie plan to "get back at it!" in their 50's. In the meantime, they'll be incontinent queefers. If they form a band--again, in their 50's--maybe that will be the name. Please enjoy this very silly episode!

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Every time Angie coughs during this episode she pees her pants a little. She coughs a lot. Luckily she's wearing a postpartum-sized pad! Angie and Julie plan to "get back at it!" in their 50's. In the meantime, they'll be incontinent queefers. If they form a band--again, in their 50's--maybe that will be the name. Please enjoy this very silly episode!

Please subscribe to our show and rate us on iTunes or Stitcher! It really does help, we swear! You can follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/FirstTimersPodcast. Send us your first time parenting stories at [email protected].