In chapter 12 of "Your Best Year Ever," it is likely that Michael Hyatt emphasizes the importance of social support and the impact of having a supportive community when striving to achieve personal and professional goals. Hyatt recognizes that pursuing significant life changes and working towards a better future can be challenging, and having a network of friends, family, mentors, or like-minded individuals can provide invaluable support, encouragement, and accountability.

1. **The Power of Support:** Hyatt may discuss the psychological and emotional benefits of having a support system. Supportive friends and family can provide encouragement, motivation, and understanding during times of difficulty or self-doubt. Additionally, being part of a community that shares common goals can boost confidence and foster a sense of belonging.

2. **Identifying True Supporters:** The chapter might offer insights on how to identify genuine supporters. These are people who believe in your dreams, offer constructive feedback, and genuinely celebrate your successes. Hyatt may provide guidance on distinguishing between true supporters and those who may be negative or unsupportive.

3. **Accountability and Motivation:** Hyatt could explore how accountability partners or groups can significantly impact goal achievement. Being accountable to someone else can increase motivation, focus, and commitment. The chapter may also discuss how to establish effective accountability systems within your support network.

4. **Building Healthy Relationships:** The author might emphasize the importance of nurturing positive relationships while reducing interactions with toxic influences. Healthy relationships can uplift, inspire, and drive personal growth, while negative relationships can drain energy and hinder progress.

5. **Mastermind Groups:** Hyatt may introduce the concept of mastermind groups, where individuals with similar aspirations come together to share ideas, provide feedback, and collaborate. The chapter could explore the benefits of participating in such groups and how to create or join one.

6. **Online Support and Community:** In today's digital age, the chapter might discuss the role of online communities, social media, and virtual connections in finding support. Online platforms can offer access to a vast network of like-minded individuals, mentors, or experts who can contribute to personal development.

7. **Reciprocal Support:** Hyatt might stress the value of giving back to your support network. Engaging in a reciprocal relationship means not only receiving support but also offering encouragement and assistance to others in their endeavors.

8. **Trust and Vulnerability:** Building trust within a support network is crucial for open and honest communication. The chapter could discuss strategies for establishing trust and the benefits of being vulnerable and authentic with your supporters.

9. **Celebrate Success Together:** Hyatt may highlight the significance of celebrating achievements collectively. Recognizing milestones with friends and family can create positive reinforcement and deepen bonds within the support system.

Throughout the chapter, Michael Hyatt's insights and recommendations are likely to inspire readers to actively seek out and nurture a strong support network. The message could revolve around the idea that a journey towards a better life is more fulfilling and achievable when you have a network of supportive friends and mentors to share it with. By leveraging the power of social support, individuals can enhance their resilience, maintain focus on their goals, and overcome challenges with the encouragement of those who genuinely care about their success.