Previous Episode: Crucified and Victorious
Next Episode: Change

Isaiah 2:1-5 and Romans 13:11-14 Everyone in Jesus' time yearned for peace.
And individuals carried their own hopes. We too have common hopes and our
own hopes. Finding hope can happen when we take on Christ's character and
habits. When we seek to help others who are despairing, hope grows in our
own hearts. (Please note there is one error in this sermon. When I preached
it, I incorrectly identified John the Baptist's father. John's father was
Zechariah. The sermons notes are correct.)

Sermon Notes

Isaiah 2:1-5 and Romans 13:11-14 Everyone in Jesus' time yearned for peace. And individuals carried their own hopes. We too have common hopes and our own hopes. Finding hope can happen when we take on Christ's character and habits. When we seek to help others who are despairing, hope grows in our own hearts. (Please note there is one error in this sermon. When I preached it, I incorrectly identified John the Baptist's father. John's father was Zechariah. The sermons notes are correct.)