Previous Episode: All You Need
Next Episode: An Aroma of Gospel Grace

And so, Peter, in verses 18 through 21, our passage for this morning, is turning the diamond of the ransom, of the redemption, of the price paid for sinners at the cross by Jesus Christ so that we can see it, that godly fear may grow and flourish in our hearts and we may live for His praise and honor. We’re going to notice four things about the ransom that has been provided for sinners like me and you by the Lord Jesus Christ. First, we’re going to think about in verse 18 what we’ve been ransomed from; what we’ve been ransomed from. Then in verses 18 and 19, what we’ve been ransomed with. Then in 19 through 20, who we’ve been ransomed by. And finally verse 21, what we’ve been ransomed for.