It’s basically impossible to open your news app without seeing a headline about Critical Race Theory, but what is it? Could you explain it to a friend if they asked you for guidance? Could you give examples of how the laws in our country affect different groups of people based on the color of their skin? This episode will give you the tools and confidence you need to have these crucial conversations with the people you love. 

In this episode you will learn:

the basics of Critical Race Theory how “neutral” laws have a racial impact  how to respond when someone is against CRT  common myths about CRT  how you can support teachers &  get involved in your local school district 


I’ve heard from hundreds of you that the people in your life are skeptical about what it might look like to teach children to use their critical thinking skills to examine race. Let’s work together to move closer to our values of inclusion, equity, and justice. 


Season 3 Song Credit: “Sleeper” by Steve Adams” and “Dive Down” by VYEN 

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FNB Bite-sized Black History Program

Bite-sized Black History is a program that empowers you to teach the little ones you love about 12 brilliant Black Americans that have been largely overlooked by our history books.

These 12 bite-sized podcast episodes, coloring pages, and reflection questions are your key to a meaningful Black History celebration in your home or classroom!

Purchase Bite-sized Black History 


Articles, Studies, & Podcasts Referenced In The Episode 


Season 3, Episode 9: Racism 101


Critical Race Theory: An Introduction by Richard Delgado


Sylvia Duckworth worked with Dr. Angel Jones & Dr. Kate Slater to put together resources that explain CRT


Undistracted Brittany Packnett Cunningham’s Podcast, Kimberlé Crenshaw On The Truth About Critical Race Theory


Season 2 Episode 12: How To Talk To Your Children About Racism 


Federal Probe of American Indian Boarding Schools Reflects Dark Chapter in US History 


Season 3 Episode 19: How You Can Help Stop Voter Suppression


Maybe America Is Racist by Michael Harriot 


The Stanford Open Policing Project 


Rates of Drug Use & Sales By Race 


This Book is Anti-racist by Tiffany Jewell


Langston Hughes “Let America Be America Again”


We Need To Teach The Truth About Systemic Racism, Say Educators 


Turning Equity Lens On Schools Exposes White Unhappiness by Maureen Downey 


Right-wing Legislators Are Trying to Stop Us From Teaching For Racial Justice. We Refuse. By Rethinking Schools


Zinn Education Project #teachtruth Campaign


Zinn Education Project: Teachers Defy GOP Bills To Ban History Lessons