Celeste Edmunds (The Christmas Box Executive Director, Co-Author of Garbage Bag Girl) and Richard Paul Evans (Author, The Christmas Box Founder, Co-Author of Garbage Bag Girl) join Utah's First Lady, Abby Cox, to talk about Celeste’s story of publishing ‘Garbage Bag Girl’, sharing her story of survival after being adopted by an abusive family as a child, and the hope and inspiration behind ‘Garbage Bag Girl’.

Then Richard opens up about the origination of The Christmas Box House and how Christmas Box House aims to change what childhood can look like for children who are victims of abuse, neglect, trafficking, or are facing homelessness.

We also dive into preventative measures that must be addressed to help protect the future of our children who come from unfortunate circumstances and the impact that drugs and substance abuse have on our struggling youth.

Related Links:

Garbage Bag Girl: https://www.amazon.com/Garbage-Bag-Girl-Celeste-Edmunds/dp/1958626635

The Christmas Box House: https://thechristmasbox.org/

The Christmas Box: https://richardpaulevans.com/books/the-christmas-box/

Celeste Edmunds: https://celesteedmunds.com/

Richard Paul Evans: https://richardpaulevans.com/