The Club talks about the new Birds of Prey series coming this fall on DC comics. We gushed for WAY too long about The Predator FINALLY becoming Marvel canon with the announcement of Wolverine Vs Predator arriving to LCS’s later this year. A hefty amount of first issue talk (duh) and decide once and for all who the main representative of the Street Fighter series is. Spoiler: It’s not who you think.


In Hell We Fight - Image - W / John Layman A / JOK

Bettie Page - Dynamite - W / Mirka Andolfo & Luca Blengino A / Elisa Ferrari & Mara Angelilli & Tommaso Ronda

You’ve Been Canceled - MadCave - W / Curt Pires A / Kevin Castaniero

Steelworks - DC - W / Michael Dorn A / Sami Basri



Patreon. Haunted Bed. Slice of Life. The Neighbors. Torrent. Dr Strange. Dead Romans. Spider-Man. Comicon. Last Ronin. TMNT. Sketches. Comic books. Jason Aaron. Valiant comics. Transformer. Girlfriend Material. Street Fighter. Deaths. Nior. Cult Shit. NCBD. Resident Evil. Break My Back And My Bed. Worf.


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