Welcome back to First Impressions, the podcast for Austen lovers to stand up to their haters. In their second episode, podcasters Kristin and Maggie illuminate the brilliance of Austen's work by discussing Pride and Prejudice as an excellent tutorial for the socially awkward. The girls illustrate the genius of the 1995 A&E and BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, highlighting the critical scene where Darcy and Elizabeth meet at Pemberley, and Kristin dies a thousand deaths at their excruciating attempt at conversation. Kristin learns to stand up for herself by reviewing the classic confrontation between Elizabeth Bennet and Lady Catherine De Bourgh.
The First Impressions podcast is a safe space for us to discuss our love for Jane Austen away from the haters, and perhaps even convert some skeptics in the process. Thanks for listening, and if you enjoyed it, please spread the word and let us know what you think! We can be reached at [email protected].