Have you ever found yourself driving along and suddenly your GPS tells you it’s “re-routing you”?  

In this first episode of season two, Whitney shares the story of how God took her to and through a brand new job in a whirlwind six months; the ultimate re-route. To her, it was horrible timing. However, she eventually realizes that the journey was all to heal her heart and soul. 

Tune in to hear how Whitney found herself back in a familiar place with a renewed sense of hope and a new outlook. 

“I feel myself evolving into a woman that I am so proud to be and that I am so proud to allow other people to see.”                            

 - Whitney Hall                                                             

Whitney advises listeners not to fight change and to trust God’s plan above what people may say every time.  “Lean into the re-route,” she says.  


To listen to more episodes, visit: www.honortogod.com/episodes/ 

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