In the trailer episode, Whitney shared how in 2016 she went from turning her back to the big vision God placed on her heart to surrendering to God in 2019 at a conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A three (3) year journey that took her from being lost and confused to understanding that her creative pursuits - playing guitar, singing,  photography, etc — are important and they matter to God. 

Whitney introduces us to how she hopes to share through her bi-weekly podcast episodes the story of how she quit creativity, the lessons she has learned, and how God went on a campaign to bring her back to who she is and the HUGE vision he’s placed on her heart. 

She will not only be sharing her journey with you but tagging in some friends, and colleagues, all to show you that your thing matters to God, too. Whether it’s medical school, acting, or music, it’s all part of God’s plan.

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