Today we are focusing on the word clutter and I am joined by my guest today Kerry Thomas, Owner of Conquer the Chaos and certainly the go to person on all things clutter. She specializes in helping small business owners with ADD & ADHD.

So many entrepreneurs have undiagnosed ADHD. Our world is almost set up to bring out those traits from people. There’s no time for resting in the entrepreneurial world. Or at least that’s the message. This is why Kerry is passionate about helping entrepreneurs, because she understands the pitfalls of entrepreneurship and how the world can work against us

Kerry understands how different learning styles impact organization, time management, and productivity. Organizing your space can change so many aspects of your life

In 2017 Kerry gave a TEDx talk “From Clutter to Clarity,” and she is passionate about helping clients eliminate all types of clutter: physical, digital, mental, emotional and more from their lives so they experience productivity and peace of mind.

Connect with Kerry:


Other links: Grab your productivity environment score at

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From your host Carol Clegg
2023 upcoming retreat in Portugal for solopreneur women business owners.

and free resources to help you find the right tools to use in your business

I am your host Carol Clegg. I guide women coaches to enhance their personal and professional lives, manage stress, cultivate self-empathy, and set meaningful goals that resonate with their unique coaching practices. My approach includes a detailed accountability framework to track your growth and keep you motivated. Are you ready to bring a sense of ease and flow into your life?

If you would like to take the complimentary Saboteur assessment, I offer a complimentary coaching session to explore your results. Take your assessment here or visit

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