For 20+ years, Fabienne Fredrickson has powerfully mentored thousands of women business owners to grow, then scale their businesses, earning them tens of millions collectively each year while increasing their time off to enjoy lives they love. Her Leveraged Business methodology is based on her nearly 15 years of experience in generating multiple 7 figures annually with three children at home, while taking 14 weeks of unplugged vacations each year.

If you are a solo business owner seeking to make a powerful impact in your work, and financial security in your life, then this episode is for you!

Fabienne is the  founder of Boldheart, which Inc. Magazine named as one of America’s fastest-growing private companies for three consecutive years.

Her book - The Leverage Business Book  it’s certainly for those feeling overwhelmed in their business.

Feminine approachGrow your impactGrow your freedom and quality of life

Connect with Fabienne

Thanks for listening if you have enjoyed listening to our conversation today I’d  love you to share it wherever you like to share your content and if you would like to find other resources tips and tools for you business do stop by my resources page at

I encourage you to  explore your own way of connecting, inspiring or creating this week!

Until the next time!

I am your host Carol Clegg. I guide women coaches to enhance their personal and professional lives, manage stress, cultivate self-empathy, and set meaningful goals that resonate with their unique coaching practices. My approach includes a detailed accountability framework to track your growth and keep you motivated. Are you ready to bring a sense of ease and flow into your life?

If you would like to take the complimentary Saboteur assessment, I offer a complimentary coaching session to explore your results. Take your assessment here or visit

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