In this episode I chat about tools to use for project management including your calendar, batching your projects and recognizing your capacity.

Different tools that you can use to stay on track for both you personally and your business.Take time to consider what tools you want to use in alignment with your learning style.Where do you store your files> Can you find them easily?Consider your capacity when making commitments for your business. Y

As a productivity and accountability coach, I love sharing tools and topics on how to  simplify building the foundation for your business, managing your mindset, along with authentic marketing 

I help you track your progress with accountability support and get UNSTUCK from those mindset blocks.

I am your host Carol Clegg. I guide women coaches to enhance their personal and professional lives, manage stress, cultivate self-empathy, and set meaningful goals that resonate with their unique coaching practices. My approach includes a detailed accountability framework to track your growth and keep you motivated. Are you ready to bring a sense of ease and flow into your life?

If you would like to take the complimentary Saboteur assessment, I offer a complimentary coaching session to explore your results. Take your assessment here or visit

BOOK your ✅ 30 minute complimentary exploration call HERE

Connect on LinkedIn and Instagram or join my Facebook group "Mindset, Tips & Tools for Women in Business"