Welcome to our show, Connect Inspire Create.  I am Carol, a digital marketing coach helping women aspiring to simply start their solopreneur journey and take their dreams to plans along with my co-host Trish, a professional certified life coach who helps determined people address anxiety and burnout to return to their best “center” to enjoy a more balanced, fulfilling life.

We share conversations for women entrepreneurs from around the globe who appreciate travel, a healthy lifestyle and are eager to learn tools and resources to grow their business and thrive in their lives. 

In this episode:

We are chatting with Dr. Don Wood, from the Inspired Performance Institute who will be sharing his expertise on the topic of how trauma affects our lives. We do hope that this episode will change how you view the impact of trauma in your life and how you can start moving forward today.

An introduction to our guest today:

Dr. Don Wood developed the TIPP method after spending years researching how atmospheric conditions™ affect our minds and impact our lives. He went back to school later in life to get his Ph.D. in clinical counseling and psychology, to learn how to heal his daughter’s Crohn's disease and his wife’s autoimmune disease.. 

The results have been impressive. Dr. Wood has helped trauma survivors from the Boston Marathon bombing attack, the Las Vegas shooting, to highly successful executives and world-class athletes perform at their best.

Dr. Wood has written two books about his research including the science about how our minds work and why we experience our own unique perspective of the world. Both books, You Must be out of your Mind and Emotional Concussions, are focused on how we can all make the desired changes by allowing our minds to reset and reboot. 

Sign up here to get the 1st chapter of "Emotional Concussions" and learn how to

Fall asleep faster & with less anxiety every nightPut an end to anxiety and panic attacksEnd anxious & intrusive thoughts Feel more joy & connection every dayPerform at your best everyday

Don’s Website, Facebook & YouTube Channel

Thanks for listening if you have loved what you have listened to today about learning more about how trauma affects our lives, we would love you to share it with your friends.

Are you struggling to find time to plan your social media content? Grab Carol's mini-course to help you with 3 tools at www.simplystart.biz I would love to share my monthly social media and marketing update newsletter with you. Sign up here for my newsletter

Trish will be hosting the next “small circle” coaching groups starting September 15 - with just 4 women in each group, for 4 focused sessions where we’ll identify the sources of our current anxieties and move through them as one supportive small circle. Learn more at  www.healthylifemindset.com.

Connect with Carol on her website, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest
Connect with Trish on her website and LinkedIn.

If you have a story to share with our audience contact us on our site