Have you ever met someone who makes 24 hours seem like a mere suggestion? Meet Katrina Purcell, the embodiment of that very ideal. In our latest episode, her story unfolds as she navigates the demanding world of Ironman training, an executive MBA at Columbia, and a challenging career—simultaneously. Her approach isn't just about meticulous planning; it's a testament to finding hidden hours, harnessing discipline, and mapping out a life of extraordinary achievement. Katrina also takes us behind the scenes of her bold venture post-MBA, where she's shaking up operations for startups and nonprofits with her signature blend of passion and strategy.

The art of vision boarding is more than just pasting pretty pictures; it's a catalyst for change and a visual conversation with your future self.  Learn how they can transform your life and goals.

If you're ready to be inspired, to empower, and to embrace a journey of creative joy, this episode is your invitation.

Connect with Katrina: https://katrinapurcell.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katrina-purcell/

I am your host Carol Clegg. As a coach, I help women in business explore fresh ways to focus on their projects, find the right tools for accountability and learn how to build a positive mindset which in turn allows for more empathy, for self and others.

With my personalized accountability and progress coaching combined with the powerful Positive Intelligence program, you'll find ways to shift into an overall happy space.

If you would like to take the complimentary Saboteur assessment, I offer a complimentary coaching session to explore your results. Take your assessment here or visit carolclegg.com

BOOK your ✅ 30 minute complimentary exploration call HERE

Connect on LinkedIn and Instagram or join my Facebook group "Mindset, Tips & Tools for Women in Business"