Track Changes: Publishing in the Time of COVID

Publishing experts discuss how the global pandemic, and widespread shelter-in-place laws have changed their jobs, how publishers have responded to the uncertain retail market, what books are more or less likely to sell in this climate, and what all writers should be focused on during this time.

The following agents were interviewed for this episode:

Faye Bender, partner and founder of The Book Group, who represents authors such as Courtney Summers (listen to her First Draft podcast here and here), Maurene Goo (listen to her First Draft podcasts here, here, and hear her interview Sarah Enni here), and Jennifer de Leon (listen to her FIrst Draft podcast here, and follow her publishing journey in Track Changes, starting with Episode 1).

Sarah Burnes with The Gernert Company, who represents Margaret Stohl (listen to her First Draft interviews here and here), Heather Havrilesky, Zan Romanoff (listen to her First Draft interviews here and here), and me (hear Sarah and I discuss the lead-up to the release of my debut novel, Tell Me Everything, here).

Seth Fishman, he’s an author and literary agent with The Gernert Company and manager of their West Coast office. He reps clients such as John Joseph Adams, Ali Almossawi, and Kate Beaton.

Kristin Nelson, founder of Nelson Literary Agency, who represents authors like Marie Lu (listen to her First Draft interviews here, here, and here), Ally Carter, and Simone Elkeles.

Holly Root, literary agent and founder of Root Literary who represents clients such as Victoria Schwab (hear her First Draft interview here), Jasmine Guillory (listen to her First Draft interview here), and Christina Lauren.

Discussed in this episode:

Don’t miss the previous episodes of Track Changes: Publishing 101 (listen on the website; Apple Podcasts; Spotify; or Stitcher); and Agents: Who Are They And How Do I Get One? (listen on the website; Spotify; or Stitcher)

More Information:

The Coronavirus Takes Its Toll on Publishing” in Publishers Weekly

The Deals Are Alright” in PublishersMarketplace (Sub. reqrd.)

Virtual Author Events Are the Next Big Thing” in Publishers Weekly

Print Unit Sales Flat in April” in Publisher's Weekly

Furloughs, firings, and layoffs covered in a few places: “UTA Instituting Temporary Furloughs To Start In A Few Weeks, Mostly Assistants,” in Deadline;

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Track Changes is produced by Hayley Hershman. Zan Romanoff is the story editor. The music was composed by Dan Bailey, and the logo was designed by Collin Keith.

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