🔍📚 How bad is structural inequality within the U.S. publishing industry, how did it get that way, and what can we do to make it better? Industry experts and activists contextualize, illuminate, and identify some of the key inflection points that perpetuate inequality and get into what every book lover can do to enact change.

This episode features:

Industry expert Mike Shatzkin, Founder and CEO of The Idea Logical Company and co-author with Robert Paris Riger, of The Book Business.

Jalissa Marcelle Corrie, marketing and publicity manager at Lee and Low Books, contributor to anthology A Phoenix First Must Burn, edited by Patrice Caldwell, and planning committee member of People of Color in Publishing.

Nicole Johnson, Executive Director of We Need DIverse Books

Arthur Levine, founder of the Levine Querido and for 23 years, Publisher at Arthur A. Levine Books at Scholastic.

Catch up on the series so far:

Episode 1: Publishing 101

Episode 2: Agents: Who Are They, What Do They Do, And How Do You Get One?

Bonus Episode: Publishing in the time of COVID

Episode 3: Selling Your Book (Part 1)

Episode 4: Selling Your Book (Part 2)

Episode 5: Advances (Part 1)

Episode 6: Contracts

Episode 7: After the Book Deal

Discussed in this episode:

We Need Diverse Books

The Lee & Low Books Diversity Baseline Survey 2015

The Lee & Low Books Diversity Baseline Survey 2019

P&L Statements

Dana Canedy, new publisher of Simon & Schuster

Barnes & Noble selling to Elliott Advisors

James Daunt


The American Booksellers Association


More Information:

People of Color to Publishing: We’re Not Okay,” in Publisher’s Weekly

A Conflicted Cultural Force’: What It’s Like to Be Black in Publishing,” in The New York Times

In Publishing, ‘Everything Is Up for Change” in The New York Times


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Track Changes is produced by Hayley Hershman. Zan Romanoff is the story editor. The music was composed by Dan Bailey, and the logo was designed by Collin Keith.

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