Previous Episode: “Fear of a better offer"
Next Episode: The Miracle(s) of Jesus

Question 1: Is the current war with Israel and Palestine fulfilling prophecy?  Does the year 2028 signify the end of the generation that shall not come to pass before Christ returns?


Question 2: Besides Isaiah 53, what other OT scriptures would be useful to share the gospel with a Jew?


Question 3: With so many medicinal marijuana dispensaries popping up, what is the biblical response to the use of medicinal marijuana or CBD products?


Question 4: What is the Word of Faith movement?  Is it false teaching?

Question 5: You said the Apostles had the ability to “remit” sins, as opposed to forgiving them.  But you also said that the Apostles did not have more of the Holy Spirit or more authority of themselves than any believer today.  Does this mean that we all can “remit” others’ sins?


Question 6: Saw something the other day that the English language is Hebrew backwards and that God’s language or math is 1-9.  Any biblical reference to that?