We are beginning a series of messages from John’s Gospel on the I AM sayings of Jesus. One of the key themes of John’s Gospel is to tell us WHO Jesus is. The best person to hear from to know who Jesus is, to evaluate our beliefs against—is Jesus Himself! So through these sermons, we will explore what Jesus said of Himself—His I AM statements allow us to hear who Jesus is in His own words.

In this message, we unpack the astonishing statement from Jesus that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and the only way we can come to the Father. We will discover how this statement is rooted both in the ancient Jewish customs of betrothal and marriage, as well as the events of the Exodus. It is vital we understand and believe that Jesus IS God. He is the Groom, and we are the bride, and the only way to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb is with Him.