This week it was our annual Women's Day Celebration. The day we honor the contribution of the women of First Baptist. As is the tradition we had a guest speaker Rev. Alice Greene as our preacher this Sunday. Using as her text
1 Samual 9-19 Rev. Alice demonstrates how the power
of prayer is increased with our commitment to the lord by keeping our promises.
While Hanna desperately wanted a child, after promising to commit that child
to god if she was allowed to conceive that child. She didn't renege on that promise to the lord. Rev. Alice shows how by keeping our promises the power of prayer is increased.

Thanks to everyone listening to our podcast. Please drop us a Note at [email protected] or submit your comments here on the web page about anything you might hear in this ministry. We enjoy hearing your comments about our ministry or anything you might think of to improve this ministry. Again thank you all for listening and have a blessed week from the pastoral and technical staff at First Baptist Church of Chicago.