This week We have a double blessing. First our music portion is our own Rev.
Alex Brown, highlighting again his powerful tenor voice. Secondly we have Rev.
William Goss in the pulpet this week. The Text of Rev Goss's sermon is from
Corinthians 9:3-15
Rev. Goss reminds us this week that it is not just the act of giving but the
motivation behind it. As we are so often remided "God Loves A Cheerful Giver".
Does your giving reflect your attitude or is it the other way around. Are you
giving as a witness to Christ or are you just giving as you have always done.
Take a few moments to listen to Rev. Goss and reflect on your reasons for

Thanks to everyone listening to our podcast. Please drop us a
note at [email protected]
or submit your comments here on the web page about anything you might hear
in this ministry. We enjoy hearing your comments about our ministry or
anything you might think of to improve this ministry. Again thank you all for
listening and have a blessed week from the pastoral and technical staff at
First Baptist Church of Chicago.