Various Scriptures Pastor Ryan Johnson April 9, 2017 If you wanna come to Jesus you have to look at the Resurrection and believe. @PastorRyanJ — Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017 Never forget that the reason Jesus was put on the cross is because of what is inside of us. @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday — Ashley Carlisle […]

Various Scriptures

Pastor Ryan Johnson

April 9, 2017

If you wanna come to Jesus you have to look at the Resurrection and believe. @PastorRyanJ

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

Never forget that the reason Jesus was put on the cross is because of what is inside of us. @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

All throughout Jesus' life and ministry he was growing crowds and dividing them with truth (the mob) @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

Palm Sunday was a result of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

Followers in a mob have a give me something mentality, Jesus hit them with hard truths. @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

Crowd recognized Jesus' power but wanted him to use it their desired goals.@PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

Trademark of false discipleship is that you look through the eyes of the world and value worldly things. @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

Jesus rode in on a donkey to signify that he was a king but not the type they were thinking of. @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

Martha mentality- disciple wrongly focused on what she was trying to do for Jesus Luke 10:38-42 @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

Martha was focused on her ministry for Jesus that she lost her focus on Jesus. @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

Mary mentality- disciple who doesn't want just God's power but wants a relationship with God. @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

If you are totally surrendered to God it will seem odd to other people. @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

We are half-hearted people by nature but God doesn't want half-hearted disciples. @PastorRyanJ #palmsunday

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 9, 2017

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