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John 20 Pastor Ryan Johnson April 1, 2018 God has hardwired the human heart for devotion. We naturally seek what we value. @PastorRyanJ — Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 1, 2018 You don't get broken emotionally unless you are invested in something. Mary Magdalene was broken because Jesus was her life. @PastorRyanJ — Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) […]

John 20

Pastor Ryan Johnson

April 1, 2018

God has hardwired the human heart for devotion. We naturally seek what we value. @PastorRyanJ

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 1, 2018

You don't get broken emotionally unless you are invested in something. Mary Magdalene was broken because Jesus was her life. @PastorRyanJ

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 1, 2018

Whom are you seeking isn't just a tomb question but for our daily life. @PastorRyanJ

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 1, 2018

Jesus' response to Thomas inst a harsh rebuke but it's a mercy to nurture Thomas' faith. Do not disbelieve but believe. @PastorRyanJ

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 1, 2018

We are all living by faith in something or someone. @PastorRyanJ

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 1, 2018

Every single one of our actions are fueled by belief. @PastorRyanJ

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 1, 2018

Jesus is telling us that we are all naturally living for some purpose. @PastorRyanJ

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 1, 2018

Innately we realize the world is not how it should be. We get model from creation for a peaceful perfect world but we brought evil into the world. @PastorRyanJ

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 1, 2018

Kingdom of God- everything is the way God intended it in the first place. @PastorRyanJ

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 1, 2018

The gospel is only good news if it gets to places in time. @PastorRyanJ

— Ashley Carlisle (@c_lisle10) April 1, 2018

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