How Women Can Create A Happy Life After Divorce You are going to love my guest today. In a world of smoke and mirrors she is a great example of how to be you, and be happy. If you network or are on social media it can seem as though everyone else is having the most wonderful time. This lady had the guts to say, “Well I’m not. At least

The post Divorced, Alone, Forty, No Children or Career w/Stephanie Burton appeared first on Financial Gym for Business.

How Women Can Create A Happy Life After Divorce

You are going to love my guest today. In a world of smoke and mirrors she is a great example of how to be you, and be happy.

If you network or are on social media it can seem as though everyone else is having the most wonderful time. This lady had the guts to say, “Well I’m not. At least I wasn’t. Here is why, and this is what I did about it”. Actually she didn’t say those exact words, they are mine but work with me.

She had the life that so many girls and women dream of. She married the man with the money, the home, the clothes, and the stuff. And then one day it was gone.

If you have heard me speak you know how much I bang on about female financial independence. And when things are going wonderfully, ladies look at me as the queen of doom. It is not about leaving relationships. Female independence happens inside and outside of them.

The problem is those that do experience separation are often ill-prepared and suffer worse financially than they need to.

My guest today faced it head on and started life again on her terms. Plus she is teaching others how they can do it too.


Project GLOW is her vehicle to show how to achieve Self-Love and Self-Belief amongst other things.

She gives you the practical, not just theory.

I am really looking forward to sharing this lady’s story with you.

Please welcome the beautiful butterfly that is Stephanie Burton

Show Links & Resources


If you are constantly worried about money in your business of personal life get your Build a Buffer of Personal Money Free Checklist here


Are you a lady thinking about or going through a breakup or divorce and need some support? I have a gift for you to get you started. Click here


The post Divorced, Alone, Forty, No Children or Career w/Stephanie Burton appeared first on Financial Gym for Business.