Kimberly Kagan, founder and president of the Institute for the Study of War, talks to Margaret Hoover about the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, why they matter, and how they are connected.

The military historian who advised U.S. commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan assesses Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza and the potential challenges of waging urban warfare against Hamas. She also addresses the prospect of the conflict spiraling into a broader regional war with Iran.

Kagan reflects on Ukraine’s slow summer counteroffensive against Russia and explains the global ramifications if Western nations allow Putin’s invasion to succeed.

She also warns that the U.S. needs to “get real” about its own military preparedness, modernize its forces, and invest more in defense to confront emerging threats around the world.

Support for “Firing Line for Margaret Hoover” is provided by Robert Granieri, Stephens Inc., Vanessa and Henry Cornell, The Fairweather Foundation, The Tepper Foundation, The Asness Family Foundation, Kathleen and Andrew McKenna through The McKenna Family Foundation, Charles R. Schwab, The Rosalind P. Walter Foundation, and Damon Button.