On this episode of the podcast we’ve got Niall Cusack, Co-Founder and CTO of Outcaster, to chat with us about the problem of ‘posting-fatigue’; having to post essentially the same messaging to a slew of social channels, and individually tracking each of them to measure engagement. It’s a problem that plagues DevRel and tech companies, as well as just about any business that has a social media presence. So what can we do about it?

Well, this is where Outcaster comes in. It’s a platform that allows individuals and companies to create progressive web apps that will collate their content into a one-stop-shop. This allows you to curate all of your content directly, rather than having to tailor all different messaging for all different channels. This is music to our ears here at Voxgig, as like many startups, we face this problem too!

If your job involves anything to do with DevRel, you’ll know that part of the brief is not only creating content, but getting it out there to the right eyeballs. And sure, there are services that let you post to multiple channels at once, but you still have to track all of those channels. Outcaster removes the burden of this task.

Niall tells us a little about his history, from developer, to startup employee, to startup co-founder. He talks about the inevitability of audience loss when switching platforms (it’s not you, it’s just the system), but how this might not always be a bad thing. While audience loss seems like a setback, it also gives you an opportunity to focus more on the members that you’ve retained, and pour the support they’ve given you back into the community.

This was a fascinating discussion that will ring true for all the multi-channel posting people out there. If you want to know more, just remember to follow @Voxgig on Twitter… or Mastodon… or LinkedIn… oh dear.

Reach out to Niall here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/niallcusack/

Check out Outcaster here:‍ https://twitter.com/Outcaster_io

Check out Aaron Francis

DevRelCon, check out Snyk's measurement talk: https://developerrelations.com/management/building-resiliency-into-your-devrel-program

Find out more and listen to previous podcasts here: https://www.voxgig.com/podcast

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