Perhaps they really are St. Nick’s special helpers and deserve their share of holiday recognition — the hoards of SantaCon-ers, bringing their version of Yuletide cheer to the streets…

"Winter Revels" was recorded live on November 25th, 2018\. It was part of our annual **Holiday Haunts** celebration.

Featured in this episode:
Ali Silva as Narrator
Michael Pate as Bartender
Kacie Laforest, Eirik Davey-Gislason, Alain Laforest, & James Rieser as Santa Revelers
David Linton as Ray

Mary Murphy as Bella

Radio play by Silbin Sandovar

Directed by Holly Payne-Strange

Musical score improvised by Russell Kranes

Sound Effects Designer and Engineer: Greg Russ
Technical Director at The Slipper Room: Johnny Goddard
Production Assistant: Luis Paulino
Extra support for the live show thanks to Heather Donohue

Theme music by Jason Graves

Post-production audio by Ali Silva

Produced by Gustavo Rodriguez & Ali Silva for Fireside Mystery Productions

Copyright 2018 Fireside Mystery Productions

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