The crew of the Polaris make new friends, whether they want to or not. 

GM: Aser

Alex as Eris Kamber 
Bernie as DJ Sow 
Kim as Avery Belle 
Megan as Mollie and Moxie Kuznetsov 
Rob as Sara Lee

Edited by Joshua

Logo by Beth Tredway

Find out more on twitter @FireflyPodcast or at our website. Want to support us and get early episodes? Join the Redacted Files Patreon! You can also find us on Discord!

Firefly Podcast is now a member of The Redacted Files Podcast Network! Find more from us on our other shows:
The Redacted Files - A multisystem Actual Play Podcast
The Amber Clave- a Numenera Actual Play Podcast
Gold Wings, Black Skies- a streamed Tachyon Squadron show
Deniable Operations - a community content feed

Our talented crew can be found on other shows. Check out Kim on Misfits of Space and Alex on No Show Radio Podcasts, Soulstory, and The Facades of Gods

Music by Kevin MacLeod, New Hero In Town by Kevin MacLeod

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